Before buying any product, you should know some basic features that will determine the product matching to your preferences.
Unfortunately it is not always easy to have a complete preview of the product because it is usually difficult for buyers to do a test instantaneously or over time.
So we rely on feedback from reviewers and our beta testers, and also on the user experience of customers and friends who have bought this product
and have formed an opinion that we use as a type of consulting. Then we can determine specifically what it is capable of offering at its peak,
as well as some general guidance for you to tell if the product is suitable for your style of vaping.
As far as our atomizers are concerned, they are manufactured with care and detail in Greece.
They will be distributed on the market after several tests and after achieving a fairly pleasant result, while tested in our laboratories.
They usually consist of the base deck, the chimney and the tank which determines its capacity in ml. In fact, in several series of aromizers there is the possibility of alternative application of a different tank mainly for reasons of appearance but also capacity.
Keep your vaporizer clean after each use, it is reasonable to wash it thoroughly for reasons of appearance but mainly for perfect operation in daily use.
Also note that in some models of the Phenomenon series there is the possibility of installing an alternative chimney to differentiate the taste and the draw.
Before buying any product, you should know some basic features that
will determine the product matching to your preferences.
Unfortunately it is not always easy to have a complete preview of the product because it is usually difficult for buyers to do a test
instantaneously or over time.
So we rely on feedback from reviewers and our beta testers, and also on the user experience of customers and friends who have bought this product
and have formed an opinion that we use as a type of consulting. Then we can determine specifically what it is capable of offering at its peak,
as well as some general guidance for you to tell if the product is suitable for your style of vaping.
As for the mechanical mods of our company, they are categorized according to their external diameter and their length, imposed by the corresponding battery.
All our devices have short circuit protection, happening through a macro fuse type smd mainly.
It is reasonable to pay attention and test fire on an instrument measuring ohms of your resistance before its final placement at the source, in our specific case is our battery case.
Keep the tube and its mechanical parts such as switch and top cap in a clean condition, paying attention to thorough cleaning
on the threads and parts of the switch because the performance of the mod depends on it. Not only after cleaning will have acquired its original specifications.
Before buying any product, you should know some basic features that will determine the product matching to your preferences.
Unfortunately it is not always easy to have a complete preview of the product because it is usually difficult for buyers to do a test instantaneously or over time.
So we rely on feedback from reviewers and our beta testers, and also on the user experience of customers and friends who have bought this product
and have formed an opinion that we use as a type of consulting. Then we can determine specifically what it is capable of offering at its peak,
as well as some general guidance for you to tell if the product is suitable for your style of vaping.
As far as our atomizers are concerned, they are manufactured with care and detail in Greece.
They will be distributed on the market after several tests and after achieving a fairly pleasant result, while tested in our laboratories.
They usually consist of the base deck, the chimney and the tank which determines its capacity in ml. In fact, in several series of aromizers there is the possibility of alternative application of a different tank mainly for reasons of appearance but also capacity.
Keep your vaporizer clean after each use, it is reasonable to wash it thoroughly for reasons of appearance but mainly for perfect operation in daily use.
Also note that in some models of the Phenomenon series there is the possibility of installing an alternative chimney to differentiate the taste and the draw.
Before buying any product, you should know some basic features that
will determine the product matching to your preferences.
Unfortunately it is not always easy to have a complete preview of the product because it is usually difficult for buyers to do a test
instantaneously or over time.
So we rely on feedback from reviewers and our beta testers, and also on the user experience of customers and friends who have bought this product
and have formed an opinion that we use as a type of consulting. Then we can determine specifically what it is capable of offering at its peak,
as well as some general guidance for you to tell if the product is suitable for your style of vaping.
As for the mechanical mods of our company, they are categorized according to their external diameter and their length, imposed by the corresponding battery.
All our devices have short circuit protection, happening through a macro fuse type smd mainly.
It is reasonable to pay attention and test fire on an instrument measuring ohms of your resistance before its final placement at the source, in our specific case is our battery case.
Keep the tube and its mechanical parts such as switch and top cap in a clean condition, paying attention to thorough cleaning
on the threads and parts of the switch because the performance of the mod depends on it. Not only after cleaning will have acquired its original specifications.
An item on backorder is an out of stock product that is expected to be delivered by a certain date once it is back in stock.
Before buying any product, you should know some basic features that
will determine the product matching to your preferences.
Unfortunately it is not always easy to have a complete preview of the product because it is usually difficult for buyers to do a test
instantaneously or over time.
So we rely on feedback from reviewers and our beta testers, and also on the user experience of customers and friends who have bought this product
and have formed an opinion that we use as a type of consulting. Then we can determine specifically what it is capable of offering at its peak,
as well as some general guidance for you to tell if the product is suitable for your style of vaping.
As for the mechanical mods of our company, they are categorized according to their external diameter and their length, imposed by the corresponding battery.
All our devices have short circuit protection, happening through a macro fuse type smd mainly.
It is reasonable to pay attention and test fire on an instrument measuring ohms of your resistance before its final placement at the source, in our specific case is our battery case.
Keep the tube and its mechanical parts such as switch and top cap in a clean condition, paying attention to thorough cleaning
on the threads and parts of the switch because the performance of the mod depends on it. Not only after cleaning will have acquired its original specifications.
The Papillon is an amazing dripper made in 2017, ranking high in place among 16mm diameter drippers with bottom filling.
Small diameter doesn't mean it falls behind; its capacity is 2ml and its taste meets the high standards of the market.
The vapor is rich in steam by choosing the desired diameter coils of the wire and the overall resistance.
It is easily adapted to tube mods of 16mm, but also of 22mm with the application of the 22-16mm beauty ring.
Have fun.
Estia is an atomizer with parallel connection of three coils, in order to vape in low voltage and enjoy a noticeably soft vape.
The production started in 2013 and over just one year it was in the top sales in France and Greece.
The construction of the deck, given the correct power supply of the three coils, filters the vapor
giving the sensation of smoothness in your draw and richness to the overall taste.
An atomizer that will not tire you up, even in daily use at home or at work
There were several tank kits for the Estia such as Lord, Warrior of light, and Kiss. Also an option for a 4 ml tank was available, the so-called "fatty" in the respective metal finishes, but also in transparent polycarbonate, with variations of top filling, bell cap, or straight with filling from below.
Have fun.
GUS - Team.
Before buying any product, you should know some basic features that
will determine the product matching to your preferences.
Unfortunately it is not always easy to have a complete preview of the product because it is usually difficult for buyers to do a test
instantaneously or over time.
So we rely on feedback from reviewers and our beta testers, and also on the user experience of customers and friends who have bought this product
and have formed an opinion that we use as a type of consulting. Then we can determine specifically what it is capable of offering at its peak,
as well as some general guidance for you to tell if the product is suitable for your style of vaping.
As for the mechanical mods of our company, they are categorized according to their external diameter and their length, imposed by the corresponding battery.
All our devices have short circuit protection, happening through a macro fuse type smd mainly.
It is reasonable to pay attention and test fire on an instrument measuring ohms of your resistance before its final placement at the source, in our specific case is our battery case.
Keep the tube and its mechanical parts such as switch and top cap in a clean condition, paying attention to thorough cleaning
on the threads and parts of the switch because the performance of the mod depends on it. Not only after cleaning will have acquired its original specifications.
The Papillon is an amazing dripper made in 2017, ranking high in place among 16mm diameter drippers with bottom filling.
Small diameter doesn't mean it falls behind; its capacity is 2ml and its taste meets the high standards of the market.
The vapor is rich in steam by choosing the desired diameter coils of the wire and the overall resistance.
It is easily adapted to tube mods of 16mm, but also of 22mm with the application of the 22-16mm beauty ring.
Have fun.
Estia is an atomizer with parallel connection of three coils, in order to vape in low voltage and enjoy a noticeably soft vape.
The production started in 2013 and over just one year it was in the top sales in France and Greece.
The construction of the deck, given the correct power supply of the three coils, filters the vapor
giving the sensation of smoothness in your draw and richness to the overall taste.
An atomizer that will not tire you up, even in daily use at home or at work
There were several tank kits for the Estia such as Lord, Warrior of light, and Kiss. Also an option for a 4 ml tank was available, the so-called "fatty" in the respective metal finishes, but also in transparent polycarbonate, with variations of top filling, bell cap, or straight with filling from below.
Have fun.
GUS - Team.
Before buying any product, you should know some basic features that
will determine the product matching to your preferences.
Unfortunately it is not always easy to have a complete preview of the product because it is usually difficult for buyers to do a test
instantaneously or over time.
So we rely on feedback from reviewers and our beta testers, and also on the user experience of customers and friends who have bought this product
and have formed an opinion that we use as a type of consulting. Then we can determine specifically what it is capable of offering at its peak,
as well as some general guidance for you to tell if the product is suitable for your style of vaping.
As for the mechanical mods of our company, they are categorized according to their external diameter and their length, imposed by the corresponding battery.
All our devices have short circuit protection, happening through a macro fuse type smd mainly.
It is reasonable to pay attention and test fire on an instrument measuring ohms of your resistance before its final placement at the source, in our specific case is our battery case.
Keep the tube and its mechanical parts such as switch and top cap in a clean condition, paying attention to thorough cleaning
on the threads and parts of the switch because the performance of the mod depends on it. Not only after cleaning will have acquired its original specifications.
Before buying any product, you should know some basic features that
will determine the product matching to your preferences.
Unfortunately it is not always easy to have a complete preview of the product because it is usually difficult for buyers to do a test
instantaneously or over time.
So we rely on feedback from reviewers and our beta testers, and also on the user experience of customers and friends who have bought this product
and have formed an opinion that we use as a type of consulting. Then we can determine specifically what it is capable of offering at its peak,
as well as some general guidance for you to tell if the product is suitable for your style of vaping.
As for the mechanical mods of our company, they are categorized according to their external diameter and their length, imposed by the corresponding battery.
All our devices have short circuit protection, happening through a macro fuse type smd mainly.
It is reasonable to pay attention and test fire on an instrument measuring ohms of your resistance before its final placement at the source, in our specific case is our battery case.
Keep the tube and its mechanical parts such as switch and top cap in a clean condition, paying attention to thorough cleaning
on the threads and parts of the switch because the performance of the mod depends on it. Not only after cleaning will have acquired its original specifications.